Execution of the ‘Strategy 2 Billion +’ – Commercial Excellence.

Jetpak is a European transport company, listed on the Swedish stock exchange, and headquartered in Stockholm. As part of a strategy process, a turnover target of DKK 2 billion was set. SEK decided, most of which was to be generated organically. The entire sales and marketing organization in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and the Benelux countries was involved in finding solutions that could realize the goal. The process included setting national ambitious goals and plans which were then deployed in to local salesrepresentives. The execution concept RACE was implemented and ensured, among other things, frequent and relevant sales coaching and a meeting format where the meeting time was used with collective intelligence to correct and ensure the execution of the decided plans. A management style that demanded a more ambitious ‘mindset’ but at the same time improved the motivation in the sales force.
Selected commercial results:
  • The number of sales meetings grew by 22%.
  • The number of sales contacts (sales calls) was increased by 80%
  • The value of the sales pipeline, measured in SEK, grew by 25%.

“In addition to the significant results, I would like to highlight Resultpartner’s ability to increase our level of ambition and our ability to stick to the execution”

Rasmus Enderslev